2024 BMW K1600B w/ Custom Audio Upgrade & Lighting
A client from Pennsylvania recently contacted us looking to upgrade his 2024 BMW K1600B. He'd just bought the bike, and the stereo system sounded terrible. He wanted to upgrade to something that he could go to shows and maybe even enter competitions with. His timing was perfect as we were in the middle of working on our new Stage 6 option with dual subwoofers in the bags!
He made the trip down to check out our 2023 K1600B, and to see and hear the new options we were developing and he was totally on board! Since we'd already done most of the modifications to our own bike as part of the development process, we worked out a deal with him to use his bike for shooting new installation videos as well. Chances are when you're watching an installation video of ours, you're seeing his bike!
Production underway!
Beyond the audio upgrades, he also wanted to do a lot of lighting upgrades. We worked out a package that utilized RGB+W lighting everywhere that it could go, but you would not be able to see the direct LED lights themselves. You can check out the full lighting package w/ everything needed here https://www.motorradaudio.com/products/k1600b-grand-america-rgb-w-lighting-kit

Starting in the front, we upgraded the OEM 4" speakers with our 6 1/2" Infinity Kappa Perfect 600x speaker pods. The Kappa's are the loudest, best sounding speakers that can physically fit in the front of the 2022+ models without doing major modifications.
Infinity Kappa Perfect's installed in our custom front pods
We powered those with the Infinity Kappa Perfect 3002 amplifier tucked away in the left front fairing. This amplifier supplies 100 watts RMS per speaker in the front. This is our normal Stage 2 upgrade for these bikes.

Infinity Kappa Perfect 2 Channel Amplifier behind the left side fairing
Since we was looking for maximum output, we worked out adapters to make the Cicada Audio CHX65.4 Pro Co-Ax Horns fit into our rear speaker panels. The Cicada's are the latest offering from Cicada Audio w/ crazy high power handling, but also utilizing a waterproof covering over the horn speaker so they are safe to use in the elements.
Cicada CHX65.4 Pro Coax Horns Installed in our custom panels
With the Cicada's needing high power to full reap the benefits, we matched them up with a Cicada DSP600.4 that was installed in the left side bag. The Cicada amp also has a built in digital sound processor (DSP) that allows us to custom tune the system for maximum sound quality. The 4 channel amplifier was bridged to the rear speakers, for a total wattage of 300 watts RMS running to each rear speaker. Seen here is the amp mounted in the top of the right side bag, with one of the Audiofrog subwoofers
Right side bag w/ Cicada amp and AudioFrog subwoofer installed
Last, but certainly not least, was the addition of our new subwoofer package! This package utilizes two AudioFrog GS8ND2 shallow subwoofers and a JL Audio MX500/1 amplifier. The unique design of the Audiofrog subwoofers allow us to recess them far deeper into the bags and take up as little useable space as possible. The design of our custom mount allows them to play to the outside of the bag, while still maintaining a water tight seal in the bag.
Left side bag w/ AudioFrog subwoofer installed
Backside of the subwoofer "ported" into the wheel area, with Frogzskin sealing it from water when riding in the rain
The JL Audio MX amplifier is waterproof, so it was tucked away in between the layers of the left side saddlebag so as not to take up any useable space. Add to the bags our full custom cut sound deadening package, and the bass coming out of the bags is quite surprising.
JL MX500/1 Amplifier hidden in the external shell of the left side bag
We have to say, this bike sounded and looked GREAT. Crazy loud, but with plenty of low frequency to back it up. Full sound that can be heard at any speed. The client went on a 12 hr ride a week after picking it up, and was able to listen to his music loud and clear the whole time!
If you're looking to upgrade your K1600, R1200RT, or R1250RT click the "Search by Bike" button at the top of the page and see what packages we can offer you!

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