2023 K1600B Customer Installed Infinity Kappa 6 1/2" w/ Cicada 4 Channel DSP Amplifier
Dan from Massachusetts reached out to us in July of 2023 about upgrading the audio in his 2023 BMW K1600B. As anyone with a K1600 knows, the audio system leaves a LOT to be desired. He was interested in significantly higher output, and certainly better sound quality. After discussing the options with him, he opted for stepping the front speakers up to an Infinity Kappa Perfect 6 1/2" using our custom front pods. For the amplifier we went with the Cicada Audio DSP600.4 Amplifier that leaves him an extra set of channels available should he decide to upgrade and add our rear speaker panels later.
We sent out the package, with the amplifier pre tuned, equalized, and time aligned for possible rear speakers as well. Here are some pictures of his installation. He did a very impressive job with the wire routing and management!
Following our installation videos, he removed the OEM front speaker pods. Once the pods are removed, you also remove the OEM mounting brackets to allow more space for the new speaker pods
He then used a cutoff wheel to remove the small tab that gets in the way of the new pod on the right side.

He trimmed out the insides of the OEM grills per our instructions. Very clean job that looks like it was like that from the factory.
He added cloth tape to the wiring coming from our pods to maintain an OEM look

He also cloth wrapped the signal wires that run from front to back.
Front pods installed
Quite the size difference from the OEM pods to the Motorrad Audio pods!

Clean wiring job under the seat where the amplifier wiring and waterproof fuse holder are connected to the battery
Cicada amplifier installed in the right side bag. Instead of using the waterproof grommet we supply, he opted for one less hole in the bag and used the access hole that was there from the factory. That hole is where the former USB/AUX connection was located in the prior years K1600B's
He finally had a break with the weather and got out for a ride to enjoy his new tunes! He sent us this picture sporting his new Motorrad Audio t-shirt as well, thanks Dan!
If you'd like a t-shirt too, just let us know when you order and we're happy to send one in exchange for some pictures of your installation!
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